” Sheriff Jeffrey D. Paden announced that deputies from his Road Division, located and arrested a 15 year old male juvenile regarding the multiple thefts from vehicles along the Indian Lakes Rd. area as well as the surrounding streets from over the weekend. Deputies were alerted to a potential suspect that resided in the area on and following the interview of the juvenile, were able to confirm that he was in fact the individual responsible for taking the items from several cars in the Rolling Hills Area. Deputies were able to recover several of the items stolen including two firearms, prescription medication and other valuables. The juvenile was transported to the Sheriff’s Office and turned over to the Juvenile Court Probation Officers, where he was transported to a juvenile detention facility.
Sheriff Paden said that several charges are pending against the boy and he will have a hearing in front of the Juvenile Court Judge in the future. Sheriff Paden added that these thefts from vehicles are unrelated to the other recent thefts from vehicles outside of several factories and other businesses that have been occurring earlier in the week and those cases remain under investigation by his office as well as Byesville and Cambridge Police Departments.”